You can join Service Union United PAM as a student member if you are studying for a service sector occupation at a vocational training establishment or a university of applied sciences.

Student membership is free of charge. It is valid for one year from the end of your studies, or until then if you want to resign before the end of your studies.

If you are working while studying or, for example, for the summer, it is worthwhile becoming a full member of PAM and the unemployment fund. Then you will generate entitlement to earnings-related unemployment benefits. The employment condition is met when you work at least 18 hours a week.

When you start paid employment, contact membership services on 030 100 600 or to agree on how to pay your membership fees.

= Mandatory field.

Personal Information

The admission process code will be sent to the e-mail address that you have given.

I agree that my membership information is submitted for direct marketing to insurance companies that offer membership benefits.


Thank you for wanting to be a contact person for your education or training institute. We will be in touch when your membership has been registered.

PAM’s contact persons in education and training institutes are the link between PAM and the institute and spread the word about PAM events and challenges to education and training institutes, help other students to find PAM and have the opportunity to learn about PAM’s student activities in more depth.


By clicking 'I also apply for membership of the PAM Unemployment Fund', you can join the PAM Unemployment Fund when you start paid employment and pay your membership fees. Membership of the unemployment fund starts from the time from which membership fees have been paid. At the same time you are giving your consent that the union membership fee, which includes the unemployment fund's membership fee, may be deducted from benefits paid by the unemployment fund.

Paying membership fees

When you start paid employment, contact PAM’s membership services on +358 30 100 600 or to agree on how the membership fees will be paid.
